Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My hatred to tim burners lee

this is a poem from me to all the persons out there whodoes not like computers but not computer games.
The first time we talked about you
I really did not want to be him to
for you are the nightmares in my dream
wouldn't I like to scream.

But you have the smarts
your brain weighs a hundred carts
for you have brought slavery to me
you should might as well flee

my brain is aching hard
I would never give you Christmas card
stop blowing my head off
i am going to have a big cough


Itchigo said...


I think weall hate him.

and it's a nice poem

ღ ΞniD.10 ღ said...

Nice nagarhyme xa.. haha.. =P

******chazandra_joy***** said...



Stay cool!!!

Anonymous said...

ahaha. everyone hates tim berners-lee! ahaha. nice poem. ahaha. comment back. ja here. ^^